Natural Wine: The truth without labels

The Association of Natural Wine Produces of Spain (PVN) is committed to transparency contrary to those who want to put in place regulations on natural wine hiding real information from consumers.

The Association of Natural Wine Producers was founded seven years ago with the aim of defending natural wine: wine made in small quantities by small vintners, made by hand with minimal manipulation and without the use of any type of additive. Natural wine is pure fermented grape juice.

Over the years large industrial wineries have seen natural wine as a niche market and want to enter it at any price; even by putting in place very loose regulations as happened with organic wines a few years ago. This has and will offer consumers a product with labelling that does not reflect what is inside the bottle.

We say what we do, and we do what we say

The Association wants to tell the truth and asks those willing to behave ethically and not just pursue easy money list ingredients on the label and inform consumers, whatever the labels are, of the manipulations suffered by the wine. We should not try to hide behind certifications that follow complex regulations full of traps and not accessible to the consumer.

Asociación de Productores de Vinos Naturales – PVN

Download text in pdf: Press Release Organic Wines – Natural Wines